poem, ,,,The use of light, is lightning

The tree which does not bestow its fruits others rather them letting them rot........can not praise itself let alone praise itself by others.....
A lamp that lets dwindle away in a closed cell letting other stumble in the darkness.....will never commend itself let alone be commended by others.....
The art which doesn't bring life to creation and diminishes in self praise, inflated by meaningless flatter......will never do justice on to itself.
The might of a man will never be able to be admired by him if he failed to protect those weaker and in need.
The riches and means of a prosperous man are all for naught if they aren't put to use for fellow men in death, suffering and desolation.
The creation, prodigiousness and means in the world are meaningless if not used to ease the sufferings,  promote nourishment and be of service to life on earth.
(All rights reserved; compose and created  by ©®Sudha Raje
